Monday, September 21, 2009

12.09.09. Ramadhan in Sydney

Today ramadhan (12.09.09) seems very different with the other ramadhan days this's so peaceful and sunny. I dunno what sign it is, but I guess it contain of clues, may be Lailatul Qadhar..'s not impossible that today is the sign, coz so many things happen to today to test whether I am qualified or not to be granted Lailatul Qadhar.

I guess I am ego defeated my kindness. Now, I am questioning myself how maximise I fulfill my days during Ramadhan. To be honest, I have no goal at all this year. Isn't it shame for me!.I should learn to be better in every year..

Then, what I should I do? 7 days left and I still have time to make it.. It is testing to my ability to conquer my ego and to learn giving something from me to others..

You know... actually ramadhan this year is full of compliments, such as; good weather-not so cold-not so hot, short timing coz we are in Fall now-compared to friend fasting in the Summer of Netherland...wuuhh..must be hard!

I should gratitude by contributing to myself and ramadhan itself..not just like regular should have a meaning!..

Am I too judging myself? sorry bout that but I need to emphasize that I am in the edge of loser (in my own standard)..

thanks for reading anyway
So..what about you during Ramadhan?

-sydney-fbe design lab-11.38pm-

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