Friday, October 9, 2009

Schengen Visa Application

I applied for Schengen Visa on Friday morning, 9 Nov 2009 by appointment in 31 Market Street, Sydney with other UDES3 fellas. Although with some confusions of our personal detail fulfillment, we finally submitted. Consulate officer said that they will call if there is missing information on the form..thanks GOD.

One step is relief, though we still need to come for payment. I hope it will be issued before my trip on 1 Nov to Paris. Otherwise, I would cry like a river or getting restless... :(

Interestingly, other nationalities do not need visa to enter Europe. For example, my friend from Malaysia, USA do not need it. What a lucky!..therefore, Indonesian government should have agreement with European Union for free visa, vise versa.

This is my third visa application actually, the first one was for my Osaka-Japan visit in October 2004 and Australian Student Visa a year ago.

It is interesting that I am applying from the third country, Australia, to apply this. Some says that it is easier to obtain visa from here than from my home country...well let's see..

Wish me luck! :)

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