Friday, November 6, 2009

02.11.09 Today I have arrived in Paris

Terminal E Arrival, no one greet me :( feel like a stranger in the city.
Self Picture in Airport Station

Horay, I am in Paris now...

Today I have arrived in Paris, at 5:23pm Sydney time or 7:23 am at local time. This is my first experience in Europe. I hope I will have a good time.

At the moment, I am waiting the tourism information to open. My today schedule is visiting Villa Savoy, La Defense, Eiffel Tower and Arcde Triumphe. I hope it will be good experience for me as it became my Urban Design Case Study..

I am very excited and looking forward to visit it.
Anyway, during my Paris trip, I will be living in my couch-surfing friend’s name Freddy. He lives in 69 Rue Dunois, Paris. I will be there at 6pm and before coming to his house, I will buy some groceries in Carefour to cook for our dinner.

You know what, the luggage check here is not as tight as OZ, as I was afraid that my Indonesian seasoning will be throw away..

The immigration process was very smooth although the visitors should wait for long queue, but that was the only queue that I had. The baggage claim also not as long as in Sydney..

Thanks GOD for your blessing and lucky me..I don’t have any jetlag.. it is really adventure in non-English speaking country that I can’t speak their language.

Please follow me, I will share my European trip through my blog.

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