Sunday, November 15, 2009

15.11.09 Granada Trip

Granada Tour

Today, I visit one of the Islamic Architecture Masterpiece. I went to this city in the midnight by ALSA bus, departed @12pm. I was tired actually but I have no option since after the madrid class, we plan to Italy..hehe, so this weekend is the only time :).

My impression about Granada is good, although I feel this city is a bit overhyped, since other cities in Europe may be better. You know what, I spent only 8 hours here than two days as my friend recommended. The Alhambra, which means the red one, was pretty impressive, with many stunning details of Arabic Caligraphy. Actually this heritage reminds me that a lot of Indonesian heritage is even better, but it may lack of good packaging.

It is kinda sad that the Islamic relic was not well integrated in the city fabric design. Anyway, The Alhambra's palace pilar were amazing. It looks like real mosque. however, for moslem who get used to see Mosque's pillar, it won't be surprising.

Overall, I just feel that the ticket is expensive with audio guide for total 18 euros. the generalife park is looking better in the picture.. :), but it was worth seeing though.. comment seems to be negative, may be I feel so tired and lonely..if wish I have a friend to share during my trip.

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