Monday, November 9, 2009

Bilbao Trip 6-7 November 2009

I arrived in Bilbao Airport from Terminal G-Charless Du Gaulle at 4pm. It was bit shower though but won't reduce my spirit to explore the city.

The first impression was that the city is well designed and lot of new construction going on.

After taking bus to the city centre from the airport, I arrive in Bus Terminal. Then heading to Bilbao Metro. I was lost once because misguided by somebody to Bilbao's suburb where the station was empty and lil scary..hehe, moreover it was shower and I was stranger in that city.

Lucky me after 20 minutes waiting in the station, a woman is also heading to the city. I have to pay more 1.6 euro for the train trip, so I spent 3.2 E for the useless trip, but that's okay..was new experience and safe ones.

I am bit surprised that Spanish people don't speak English that much. Geographically it is not that far but they should be able to.., so whenever I ask them, it was like Tarzan language.. :) with gesture and assumption of words.

However, the people is warm and happening.

Back to Bilbao, I checked in Hostel Bilbao Akellare at 5 pm. it's quite late tough, but the hostel was very nice. The staffs was pleasing, helpful and welcoming. The room was very clean. I met a couple named Luke and Yana inside the room, they are coming from England and planning to stay in Bilbao for the upcoming life. My room consists of 6 beds and I slept in room number 18.

After settle for a lil time, at 7pm..I am heading to Bilbao Guggenheim Museum and arrive at 8pm. Along the street, I was impressed by how the city was designed after the Guggeheim Museum was built. It was like a catalyst for the urban development in the area.

The riverbank was the best from the city I have visited. it consists of pedestrian ways, parks, sculptures, children playgrounds, bridges, signature buildings, etc.

The city was very safe, policia patrol on the street and people also seems to be very wealthy, so the number of crime may be less. Therefore, I had no fear of taking picture with my DSLR camera. Athough it was shower but there is no time to spent wastefully it is Bilbao..i should get lots of picture for capturing the memory.

Entering a museum should pay 11 euros. Alright, i should pay for the architectural experience. The building was impressive, I like the curvy inside the chamber. If only I could take a picture inside. I may had take a lot.

The museum consists of modern art and Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture design. It was amazing, I can't believe that I saw his hand-sketches directly. The exhibition was in written spanish but I was given a tool to translate the explanation.

FLW's idea was still relevant till now, especially A mile tower that was impossible at that time. it was very futuristic.

The other collection also impressive, due to gigantic scale like a chamber of rusting steel. It was like a fairytale.


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