Sunday, November 15, 2009

14.11.09 A New Friend From Taipei

Meet new friend from Taiwan. This life is full of experience. Everyday means new experience for me.. her name is Janet, she is studying in universidad autonoma de barcelona, majoring geography. We spent a lot of time when on the way back home from Alcatraz fortress.

She is very friendly and smart. She has been travelling around the world but this european trip was her first time. Since her roommate in Taipei is surabayan, she knows about Surabaya quite good. She said that she plan to visit Surabaya next year, when her roommate go homecoming as well. at the moment, she stay in Barcelona for almost 4 months. The exchange course plan is for a year, then she has to finish her undergraduate study back in Taipei.

15.11.09 Granada Trip

Granada Tour

Today, I visit one of the Islamic Architecture Masterpiece. I went to this city in the midnight by ALSA bus, departed @12pm. I was tired actually but I have no option since after the madrid class, we plan to Italy..hehe, so this weekend is the only time :).

My impression about Granada is good, although I feel this city is a bit overhyped, since other cities in Europe may be better. You know what, I spent only 8 hours here than two days as my friend recommended. The Alhambra, which means the red one, was pretty impressive, with many stunning details of Arabic Caligraphy. Actually this heritage reminds me that a lot of Indonesian heritage is even better, but it may lack of good packaging.

It is kinda sad that the Islamic relic was not well integrated in the city fabric design. Anyway, The Alhambra's palace pilar were amazing. It looks like real mosque. however, for moslem who get used to see Mosque's pillar, it won't be surprising.

Overall, I just feel that the ticket is expensive with audio guide for total 18 euros. the generalife park is looking better in the picture.. :), but it was worth seeing though.. comment seems to be negative, may be I feel so tired and lonely..if wish I have a friend to share during my trip.

14.11.09 Segovia Trip

Segovia trip, 14 November 2009.

My Segovia trip was amazing, I like it alot. the weather was amazing. It was forecasted to be shower though but I insist to go..lucky me, It was bright sunshine day.

You know what, I feel so blessed that my spanish trip was always in the sunshine day, I hope it will last till we depart from Europe. Segovia is pretty impressive with Roman Aquaduct that length for 800m. It was built for water transportation, but now it became landmark for the city. Interestingly, there are other building that's also worth seeing, which is Alcatraz Fortress. It was looks like disneyland palace, perhaps it was the precedent :).

The fortress was fulfilled with the history of spanish colonial artileries. It looks like visiting the old time. I was impressed by the building preservation. It may be more dramatic at night when the building is highlighted, but it is okay I can find it in the internet for the picture.

Overall, Segovia seems to be a city that become the old cultural capital of Spain. It is well integrated between tourist destinations and normal daily life. Interestingly, the city nearby is definitely looks like a old town in the movie. I rate 4 out of 5 for Segovia and recommend to visit.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Bilbao Trip 6-7 November 2009

I arrived in Bilbao Airport from Terminal G-Charless Du Gaulle at 4pm. It was bit shower though but won't reduce my spirit to explore the city.

The first impression was that the city is well designed and lot of new construction going on.

After taking bus to the city centre from the airport, I arrive in Bus Terminal. Then heading to Bilbao Metro. I was lost once because misguided by somebody to Bilbao's suburb where the station was empty and lil scary..hehe, moreover it was shower and I was stranger in that city.

Lucky me after 20 minutes waiting in the station, a woman is also heading to the city. I have to pay more 1.6 euro for the train trip, so I spent 3.2 E for the useless trip, but that's okay..was new experience and safe ones.

I am bit surprised that Spanish people don't speak English that much. Geographically it is not that far but they should be able to.., so whenever I ask them, it was like Tarzan language.. :) with gesture and assumption of words.

However, the people is warm and happening.

Back to Bilbao, I checked in Hostel Bilbao Akellare at 5 pm. it's quite late tough, but the hostel was very nice. The staffs was pleasing, helpful and welcoming. The room was very clean. I met a couple named Luke and Yana inside the room, they are coming from England and planning to stay in Bilbao for the upcoming life. My room consists of 6 beds and I slept in room number 18.

After settle for a lil time, at 7pm..I am heading to Bilbao Guggenheim Museum and arrive at 8pm. Along the street, I was impressed by how the city was designed after the Guggeheim Museum was built. It was like a catalyst for the urban development in the area.

The riverbank was the best from the city I have visited. it consists of pedestrian ways, parks, sculptures, children playgrounds, bridges, signature buildings, etc.

The city was very safe, policia patrol on the street and people also seems to be very wealthy, so the number of crime may be less. Therefore, I had no fear of taking picture with my DSLR camera. Athough it was shower but there is no time to spent wastefully it is Bilbao..i should get lots of picture for capturing the memory.

Entering a museum should pay 11 euros. Alright, i should pay for the architectural experience. The building was impressive, I like the curvy inside the chamber. If only I could take a picture inside. I may had take a lot.

The museum consists of modern art and Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture design. It was amazing, I can't believe that I saw his hand-sketches directly. The exhibition was in written spanish but I was given a tool to translate the explanation.

FLW's idea was still relevant till now, especially A mile tower that was impossible at that time. it was very futuristic.

The other collection also impressive, due to gigantic scale like a chamber of rusting steel. It was like a fairytale.


Friday, November 6, 2009

03.11.09 Day Two in Paris

Day two in Paris:
Yesterday, I visited Parc de la Villette in the morning. It was huge complex of art and science museum. Although it was little shower but it does not affect my sightseeing. Surprisingly, I found that Cite de la Musique was also in the same complex, it was designed by Christian de Portzamparc . It was my Bachelor’s study case. I can’t believe that I have visited it personally.

Yohooo!... It was lot of surprises when I visited Villa Savoye in Poissy, a Paris’ Suburb (approximately 1.5 hour) from City of Paris. The house was still beautiful although it was designed in 1950s. I reckon that it was one of the Modern Architecture Masterpiece.

During my visit to Villa Savoye, I met Katsuya. A Japanese architecture student who study his master degree in Sweden. With him, I headed to Musee du Quai Branly, designed by Jean Nouvell. The museum’s design was very interesting, as it plays with lot of geometrical form, colours, shade & shadow, contour, contrastness between old and new.

Then surprisingly, I saw Eiffel Tower not so far from the museum. It was gorgeous. Back in 1890. The tower was designed to commemorate the Paris World Expo at that time. I can still why that it was the highest tower at that time.

Seen from my friend’s photo, the Paris landscape is widely seen from the observation desk. However, I did not have too much time to queue for the ticket. Then I bought some Eiffel Tower souvenirs. It costs 10 euro for 3 small miniature towers and a key chain.

Then, I headed to Biblioteque of France. It is National Library, which located in riverside. I can say that the use of material for the building, was too massive and unnecessary. It is because the use of timber was too much for that building, may be it is FSC’s certified timber, but if the use is more than what should be, it is called material waste. Even, I was almost fallen due to slippery.

It was not safe to step during shower and in some place. It grows the moss which makes the slippery even worse. I like the idea though but I just feel that it was too big and material intensive. I just do not get the idea of using ramp escalator since no visitors have trolley with them.

02.11.09 Today I have arrived in Paris

Terminal E Arrival, no one greet me :( feel like a stranger in the city.
Self Picture in Airport Station

Horay, I am in Paris now...

Today I have arrived in Paris, at 5:23pm Sydney time or 7:23 am at local time. This is my first experience in Europe. I hope I will have a good time.

At the moment, I am waiting the tourism information to open. My today schedule is visiting Villa Savoy, La Defense, Eiffel Tower and Arcde Triumphe. I hope it will be good experience for me as it became my Urban Design Case Study..

I am very excited and looking forward to visit it.
Anyway, during my Paris trip, I will be living in my couch-surfing friend’s name Freddy. He lives in 69 Rue Dunois, Paris. I will be there at 6pm and before coming to his house, I will buy some groceries in Carefour to cook for our dinner.

You know what, the luggage check here is not as tight as OZ, as I was afraid that my Indonesian seasoning will be throw away..

The immigration process was very smooth although the visitors should wait for long queue, but that was the only queue that I had. The baggage claim also not as long as in Sydney..

Thanks GOD for your blessing and lucky me..I don’t have any jetlag.. it is really adventure in non-English speaking country that I can’t speak their language.

Please follow me, I will share my European trip through my blog.

07.11.09 Halal Food on Flight

Qantas' Breakfast

Qantas' Dinner

AirFrance's Halal Food Service

As I have ordered pre-departure that I want the Halal Food on board, The fight attendant provide it. I reckon that was amazing, since it is approved. I know it is passengers’ right.

The food is nice, though it is not as spicy as Asian Food though. The halal food service in Qantas was given before any passenger receive their meal, so as I pre-order, I was given first before anyone else...i am lucky!..hhehe (kidding!)

In AirFrance, which the meal were European ones. It was okay and most importantly was that Halal!..

Recommendations: If you are muslim and wants to fly, makes sure that you pre-order the Halal meal on your booking time.

Bilbao, Hostel Akelare 4:46am

Sunday, October 25, 2009

25.10.09. Turn my humor sense back into me!!

Well, I dunno what is happening to me, apparently my sense of humor is now decreasing. I was funny actually, but it's gone no where..
I dun want to be so serious coz I want to make lot of friends.

I reckon it's such a phenomenon when I am focusing into certain things.

In Australia, people love funny person, not only in OZ I guess, but it's around the world. Maybe, I have a trick..I want to memorize silly thing that ever done to get me tune in humor...hehe

I want to share my old funny stories..

When I was in high school, I was sitting in the table where the arrangement was male students and female students and so on repetitively. My back chair was 2 female students named Hana and friend "rudy" and me often teasing Hana just for fun..Hana is silence typical modest girl..I think she was a virgin girl coz she is very innocent.. :)

It's started by guessing her underpant's colour ...
"Han..are you wearing yellow today?" I asked to Hana..then Rudy reply "I think she is wearing blue this time, is that right Han?"

Then Hana respond: "OMG...O lord!!'re impolite.."
and she squezze my back with her tiny fingers as a response to us
"..ouchhh!! It's hurt".."hold on!..don't get me wrong..I am only asking to your bag's colour"..

" don't ..I know what you're asking"..and she squeeze my back again.."you deserve it!" she replied..

However, It won't stop us to tease her, since we like the way she respond to our teasing..
What a funny!!.
On the other day, we ask again the same thing with different type
"Han..we reckon that you are not wearing today?"
"'re so dirty!"
"What are u talking about, we only ask you whether you wear jacket or not today?"
"no..I know what you're talking're so dirty!!!"..then ask you guess that she squeeze our back again.."

Eventhough our back was hurt, but we never stop to do it again and again..
It's so fun to tease innocent girl like her..

Now, I am growing, it's was 11 years ago..
Today..we almost never meet each other anymore..wish she grow to be a happy woman and all my high-school friends as well..I miss that moment so much..and may be that one was the most ridiculous moment that I am still memorized till now.. :) it's always make me laughing myself, how can I do such a conduct...but I won't regret coz it's funny!!.. :P


written in the shower of Randwick, NSW on Spring season

Friday, October 9, 2009

Can't wait for my Virgin European Trip

Hoohooo...I feel excited although it even hasn't been started..this euphoria is really, I dunno why I feel so happy to receive this wonderful experience.. Thanks GOD..

My friend POP given me his European pictures, it is making me more curious about France, Spain & The Netherlands.

I will update my trip through my blog, day by day..please follow me if you are interested to know more :D

I will specifically focus on Urban Design & Architecture perspective, because it may bring more contribution to my readers...

See ya..

Schengen Visa Application

I applied for Schengen Visa on Friday morning, 9 Nov 2009 by appointment in 31 Market Street, Sydney with other UDES3 fellas. Although with some confusions of our personal detail fulfillment, we finally submitted. Consulate officer said that they will call if there is missing information on the form..thanks GOD.

One step is relief, though we still need to come for payment. I hope it will be issued before my trip on 1 Nov to Paris. Otherwise, I would cry like a river or getting restless... :(

Interestingly, other nationalities do not need visa to enter Europe. For example, my friend from Malaysia, USA do not need it. What a lucky!..therefore, Indonesian government should have agreement with European Union for free visa, vise versa.

This is my third visa application actually, the first one was for my Osaka-Japan visit in October 2004 and Australian Student Visa a year ago.

It is interesting that I am applying from the third country, Australia, to apply this. Some says that it is easier to obtain visa from here than from my home country...well let's see..

Wish me luck! :)

Friday, September 25, 2009

26.09.09 My imigination for the future of Surabaya

It is the fact that our neighbor countries such Malaysia, Singapore or even Vietnam have undergone very rapid changes in term of their city development.

However, kinda sad when I mirror this situation with Indonesia, especially Surabaya (its 2nd biggest city). When many big cities in the region are competing to be the best, while we are probably not.

In term of Urban Design, Surabaya needs to explore more possibilities to enhance its image, such as in the following:

  • providing more accessible parks, community garden in neighborhoods.
  • enhancing the pedestrian access, disabled access, parents with baby stroller.
  • preserving biodiversity of the city, such as local birds, which are rarely found these days, are they extinct already?..where's the frog when raining, morning birds, etc..
However, I still appreciate several impressive achievement in the Surabaya Public Park development by redesigning and installing free public wifi. In fact, Surabaya become the pilot project of smaller Indonesian cities for city vegetation design, as it won several government awards due to its awesome designed parks.

There are couple things that we should have such as drinkable water tap in the park, pedestrian traffic light for crossing the street as I experience here in Sydney, garbage management by separating organic, non organic/ recyclable wastes.

Moreover, we should have a singular model of Surabaya Architecture. we should have one strong character that speak our personality loudly. So, what's Surabaya Architecture?

According to me, Surabaya Architecture is the fusion of Traditional Javanese Architecture and Modern contemporary design, which covers the materials selection or space arrangements.

Why Architecture is so important?... all well-known cities around the world have their own characteristics which are reflected by its composing buildings. Let's take a look in Paris, Rome, Kyoto, Madrid, etc..Can you find out the similar line of those cities?.. it's the architecture that become their cultural symbol and contribute to the tourism developments.

No matter how hard the Surabaya tourism board, if they don't have something to 'sell', tourists won't back for second time, they may see it is enough to experience Indonesia once, nothing more!..

Back to Architecture and Urban Design, we should position ourselves as part of regional developments, which means that everything that we wanna build should be based on regional standard. For example, if we wanna build a theater or museums, we should see whether other people will see it nice or if it meets the standards regionally or even Internationally.

Internationally??? yup it should be. If we reflect Surabaya in term of population, we are as big as Sydney, but are we well-known enough in the global role?..I don't think so, please do not make the developing countries issues as the excuse.

The problem is that we do not want to address how strategic our position in the world map. We should emphasis that it is good opportunities. I believe that by improving the bureaucracy we could do more. For example, positioning Surabaya as air-hub in the region scale to Australia and pasific islands..why not? we can take this position before other Indonesian cities do it. The good example now is that Bangkok, KL or S'pore are the hub of international flight destination to regional cities. If Bali is near with us, why we do not take this advantage?.. and add other eco-tourism as part of endorser, like Mount Bromo.

We have to strengthen the position of Surabaya as business city in Indonesia. we can say that people coming this city is only for business purpose, convention, shopping.

If this so, how we make them feel convenience then, that the question?
  • Improve the infrastructure; build the rapid transport from airport to station gubeng.
  • Make Station Gubeng as the central station of Surabaya, redesign it by competition so the result will be signature building for Surabaya, the new landmark, as it is strategic location in the of Surabaya Business District. I know it needs lot of money, but according to independent survey, we are the 2nd richest city in Indonesia, so where the hell money goes?
  • Build internal CBD bus network and car-parking building in the outskirt, so it will encourage the use of public transport. Make sure that the bus network will prefer membership and prepaid payment with card identification to avoid crime in public transport.
  • If the government really want to relocate the CBD. then prepare the infrastucture, by connecting the airport to the new CBD by toll highway. So the concept will be triangle; old CBD (pemuda)-new CBD (Surabaya Barat)-Juanda Airport.
  • No doubt that our people love sheltered or shaded place, since living in tropical is very hot especially during mid-days. Therefore, plant more trees and sails on the traffic light, which are dedicated for motorbikers and bicyclers.
  • Enhance the internet connection, if Surabaya really want to strengthen and grow its business assets, because internet is the blood of modern activities.
  • Allocate new places for industries, especially in the border to other neighboring towns, such as Gresik or Sidoarjo. The reason is to enhance the employment and the growth of GDP. More importantly is connecting the industry areas with seaport by integrated road infrastructure.
  • It's the time to implement green building standard in Surabaya, as the benchmark of building appraisal in municipality and part of mandatory building code.

The idea of returning the tax to public by providing more public amenities is fair for us. Now, should we wait them to implement it to us? or we want to struggle it to happen?

*pic taken from

Thanks for reading, contents will be reviewed soon.
Randwick, 2.27am

Monday, September 21, 2009

12.09.09. Ramadhan in Sydney

Today ramadhan (12.09.09) seems very different with the other ramadhan days this's so peaceful and sunny. I dunno what sign it is, but I guess it contain of clues, may be Lailatul Qadhar..'s not impossible that today is the sign, coz so many things happen to today to test whether I am qualified or not to be granted Lailatul Qadhar.

I guess I am ego defeated my kindness. Now, I am questioning myself how maximise I fulfill my days during Ramadhan. To be honest, I have no goal at all this year. Isn't it shame for me!.I should learn to be better in every year..

Then, what I should I do? 7 days left and I still have time to make it.. It is testing to my ability to conquer my ego and to learn giving something from me to others..

You know... actually ramadhan this year is full of compliments, such as; good weather-not so cold-not so hot, short timing coz we are in Fall now-compared to friend fasting in the Summer of Netherland...wuuhh..must be hard!

I should gratitude by contributing to myself and ramadhan itself..not just like regular should have a meaning!..

Am I too judging myself? sorry bout that but I need to emphasize that I am in the edge of loser (in my own standard)..

thanks for reading anyway
So..what about you during Ramadhan?

-sydney-fbe design lab-11.38pm-

20.09.2009 | 1 Syawal 1430H

This is my first experience to celebrate Ied al Fitr overseas. Lucky me the situation in Sydney was very lively with many supportive Indonesian students here. Although I could not meet my family directly to address forgiveness tradition, a tradition where Indonesian seeking for apologies during last year mistakes or misconducts. I just realized that this tradition may be practiced in Malay Culture only, since other ethnicity did not do the same, only congratulating that's all.

Anyway, I am so lucky that Ied Al Fitr this year is on Sunday, so I have more time to enjoy the atmosphere of peacefulness of Ied Al Fitr. No matter where I am, this feeling remains the same, dunno why? May be it is such a blessed from The God to us..Alhamdulillah! Moreover the days was only 29days, quite rare to happen, normally 30 depends on lunar appearance.

Talking about celebration, this year it began from Doncaster House, where they cook delicious cuisine with cute lontong 'rice cake' and rendang...thanks for the hospitality, if only I knew that they would invite for stop-over lunch, I would prepare to make prawn crackers :D After that, I managed to come to Teh Dewi invitation, I taste very nice sio-may!..yummy! Then, I went to Wisma Nusantara with ADS 2009 fellas (meet them on the street while waiting a bus heading to Rosebay)... This is my first time going to WN, I can feel Indonesian culture since from the gate, coz many Balinese sculptures lining on it. Like we predict before that there will be so many Indonesian foods there..I taste Chicken Satay and Risoles (it's from Holland though!)..again in WN, I ate, making me so full!..

The good things were I met lots of new friends, coz this is the essence of Ied Al Fitr, which is friendship and family togetherness..
After that we are heading home by Ferry via Circular Quay, it's wonderful experience, where we passed Sydney Opera House from front facade.. hope to see dolphin but I didn't..hehe..

Now, it's Monday where the life should back to normal with many exciting assignments I should do as student.. I wish I could meet Ramadhan again next year, and looking forward to my Ied Al Adha in Barcelona, November 21, 2009.

Thanks for reading,
written in my randwick unit, 7:59pm